Monday, June 18, 2012

Science in Political Discourse | Capital Commentary

Science in Political Discourse | Capital Commentary by Jason E. Summers.  MB: While some scientists are become more fluent in the sociology of science, others are are too humble in branching out into metaphysics when dealing with ethical issues, such as when human life begins.  While science certainly cannot define it through the scientific method, it offers profound clues to a response and it is false humility to not broadcast that fact. (for those interested, Gastrulation seems to be the best marker for the begining of life, when regulative development begins under the DNA of  both parents - where prior to that only maternal DNA controls the growth of the blastocyst).  Whatever life energy that starts there is what continues until death.  Neuroscience has demonstrated that consciousness is not the seat of the soul, but a reflection of what happens in the brain earlier.  If there is a soul, it is in the energy of thought, not the perception of it, which means that one need not be capable of consciousness to be considered as having posession of a soul.

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